Business Summary
PageGroup plc is a United Kingdom-based specialist recruitment consultancy company. The Company provides recruitment services and career opportunities on a local, regional and global level. Its segments include EMEA, Asia Pacific, Americas and United Kingdom. It operates through four key brands: Page Executive, Michael Page, Page Personnel and Page Outsourcing. Page Executive provides a range of search, selection and talent management solutions for organizations on a permanent and interim basis. Michael Page recruits on a permanent, temporary, contract or interim basis. Page Personnel offers specialist recruitment services to organizations requiring permanent employees, temporary or contract staff at technical and administrative support, professional clerical and junior management levels. Its flexible recruitment outsourcing solution allows its clients to focus on their core business. Page Outsourcing offers a solution for high-volume hiring and specific project recruitment needs.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
Page House, 200 Dashwood Lang Road, Bourne Business Park
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