Business Summary
GSK plc is a global biopharma company. The Company’s segments include Commercial Operations and Research and Development. It develops cancer medicines for patients, including ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, and multiple myeloma. Its product areas include vaccines, specialty medicines, and general medicine. It is also focused on addressing the unmet treatment needs of patients with respiratory and inflammatory conditions. Its vaccine portfolio includes over 20 vaccines that help to protect people from a range of diseases and infections, including meningitis, shingles and flu, among others. Its specialty medicines are also engaged in developing medicines for respiratory disease and HIV. Its general medicines include inhaled medicines for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, antibiotics, and medicines for skin diseases. It is advancing oligonucleotide therapeutics in chronic hepatitis B and steatotic liver disease as well as other therapeutic areas beyond liver disease.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Pharmaceuticals & Medical Research
Company Address
980 Great West Road
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