Business Summary
Unbound Group plc is a United Kingdom-based company, which is engaged in selling a range of brands focused on the over 55 age demographics. The Company offers footwear and apparel and features third-party complementary brands alongside new Unbound brands, as well as Hotter. Hotter is a digitally led, omni-channel footwear brand focuses on comfort and fit delivered through the use of differentiated technology to consumers in the United Kingdom, the United States and Europe. Hotter sells footwear for its customer base, covering a range of styles and categories with all of the product offerings designed and developed by the in-house design team. Hotter’s primary product categories are Active, Boots, Deck, Formal shoes, Gore-Tex, Sandals, Shoes and Slippers. Its manufacturing facilities and distribution centers are all located in Skelmersdale, United Kingdom. Its subsidiaries include Hotter MIPCO Limited and Electra Private Equity Limited.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
17 Old Park Lane
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