Business Summary
Halma plc is a life-saving technology company. Its segments include Safety, Environmental & Analysis and Healthcare. The Safety segment provides products that protect people, property and assets and enable safe movement in public spaces. This segment's solutions include fire safety, through fire detection and fire suppression solutions; safe movement in public, commercial and industrial spaces; elevator safety, and more. Its Environmental & Analysis segment provides solutions that monitor the environment and improve the availability of life-critical natural resources, such as air, water, and food, and analyze materials in a range of applications. It also manufactures devices for high-precision measurement of trace moisture found in gases. Its Healthcare segment helps healthcare providers to improve the care they deliver. It offers minimally invasive procedures, complementing its products used to diagnose and treat cancer. It also develops, manufactures and supplies medical devices.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Technology Equipment
Company Address
Misbourne Court, Rectory Way
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