Business Summary
Afentra plc is a United Kingdom-based an upstream oil and gas company. The Company is focused on opportunities in Africa. It has an 30% non-operated interest in the producing Block 3/05 and a 21.33% non-operated interest in the adjacent development Block 3/05A and a 40% non-operating interest in the exploration Block 23, all offshore Angola in the Lower Congo Basin. The Company aslo holds interest in the Odewayne Block onshore southwestern Somaliland. It also holds a 40% interest in the exploration and appraisal Block 23, located in the Kwanza basin. Block 3/05 is located in the Lower Congo Basin. Block 3/05A, which is located adjacent to Block 3/05, contains the undeveloped discoveries Punja, Caco and Gazela with an estimated in place resource of 0.3 billion barrels. Block 23 is a 5,000 square kilometers exploration and appraisal block located in the Kwanza basin in water depths from 600 to 1,600 meters and has a working petroleum system.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
High Holborn House, 52 54 High Holborn
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