Business Summary
SEGRO plc is a United Kingdom-based real estate investment trust (REIT). It is the owner, manager and developer of modern warehouses and industrial property. It owns or manages 10.8 million square meters of space (116 million square feet) serving customers from a range of industry sectors. Its properties are located in and around major cities and at key transportation hubs in the United Kingdom and in seven other European countries. Its segments include the United Kingdom and Continental Europe (CE). The Company's portfolio includes warehouses and light industrial buildings, including data centers. These are concentrated in the United Kingdom, France and Germany. The remainder of the portfolio is located in other European countries, including Poland, Spain, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. Its warehouses are used by a diverse customer base, spanning a range of industries, such as transport and logistics; retail (physical, online and hybrid), and food and general manufacturing.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Real Estate
Company Address
1 New Burlington Place
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