Business Summary
Asya Katilim Bankasi AS is a Turkey-based private finance house, which offers banking services. The Bank's main activity is to collect and provide funds in the form of current accounts and profit/loss sharing accounts. The Company's services include retail banking, credit card services, corporate banking, small- to medium-sized enterprise banking, international banking, and leasing services. In addition to providing traditional banking services through a net of branches, Bank Asya also offers Internet banking services, ALO ASYA telephone banking services, automated teller machines, and post office service terminals. Pursuant to the Decision of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency dated 22.07.2016. Within the framework of the last paragraph of Article 107 of Banking Law No. 5411, it has been decided to revoke the operating license of the Bank.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Saray Mah. Dr.Adnan Buyukdeniz Cd. No.10 Umraniye
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