Business Summary
Union National Bank PJSC is an United Arab Emirates-based bank, which is engaged in the provision of commercial and investment banking activities. The Bank is active through four business segments: Corporate banking segment offers a range of services and products to diverse enterprises and industrial sectors, both in the private and public sectors; Retail banking segment provides products and services to retail customers; Islamic banking segment provides Sharia compliant Islamic finance and investment products; Treasury and Investment banking segment comprises of International and Financial Institutions division, treasury and investment division, private banking and wealth management division and Union Brokerage LLC (UBC), and International and unallocated segment includes activities of branches in Kuwait, Qatar and China.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
UNB Head Office, Sheikh Zayed Street, Tourist Club Area, P.O. Box 3865
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