Business Summary
DP World PLC, formerly DP World Ltd, is a United Arab Emirates-based company engaged in the business of international marine terminal operations and development, logistics, and related services. Container handling is the Company’s core business and it operates through a network of terminals located across different continents. In addition to its marine terminal business, the Company operates: P&O Maritime, which owns and operates a fleet of vessels, providing logistics solutions to public and private sector customers; World Crane Services, which offers third party inspection services with respect to new building of container handling equipment, as well as on site inspection services for existing equipment; DP World Cargo Services, which offers a range of stevedoring services, including containers, bulk, general cargo, project cargoes, as well as car carries, reefer vessels and passenger vessel stores & baggage handling, and DP World Intermodal, which owns and operates container trains.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
DP World, JAFZA 17, Jebel Ali Free Zone, PO Box 17000
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