Business Summary
Shuaa Capital PSC is a United Arab Emirates-based company engaged in the provision of financial and investment services. The Company is organized into five segments: the Asset Management segment manages conventional equity, debt and money market, as well as Shariah compliant portfolios and investment funds using both active and passive management styles; the Investment banking segment provides corporate finance advisory, private placements, public offerings of equity and debt securities, among others; the Brokerage segment operates under the brand of SHUAA Securities and acts as principal and agent, providing custody and clearing services to clients, providing access to regional exchanges; the Lending segment’s activities are conducted by Gulf Finance, which is engaged in asset backed lending with a primary focus on small and medium enterprises finance, and the Corporate segment manages future corporate development and controls all cash, among others.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
The H Hotel Dubai, Office Tower, 15th Floor, Office No. 1502, P.O. Box 31045
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