Business Summary
Country Bird Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries incorporate an integrated poultry and stock feed business operation in South Africa operating as Supreme Poultry Limited and Nutri Feeds Limited and poultry breeding operations in the Africa region operating as Ross Africa Limited. Country Bird Holdings Limited currently operates in South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe. The Company operates through three segments: Integrated South African Poultry, Poultry Other Africa and Animal Nutrition Other Africa. The Company has a 100% shareholding in Supreme Poultry and Nutri Feeds in South Africa which comprise its Poultry South Africa and Animal Nutrition South Africa segments. The Company products include KFC products, Bulk portion packs, Nando’s products, Dorego’s products, Filleted breasts and IQF .The Company offers brands, which include supreme chicken, spring chicken, sublime chicken, nutri feeds and ross Africa.
Country of Incorporation
South Africa
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Food & Beverages
Company Address
Ground Floor, 8 Melville Road, Illovo
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