Business Summary
Naspers Limited is a global consumer Internet company. The Company, through its subsidiary Prosus N.V. (Prosus), operates and invests globally in markets with long-term growth potential, building consumer Internet companies that empower people and enrich communities. The Company’s segments include Food Delivery, Classifieds, Payments and Fintech, Edtech, Etail, Other e-commerce: Ventures, Media24, and Social and Internet platforms. Its portfolio of food-delivery businesses allows customers to order their favorite food online and via apps to be conveniently delivered wherever they are. Prosus holds an investment in Tencent, China’s used Internet services platform. Media24 is a print and digital media group with interests in digital media and services, newspapers, magazines, e-commerce, book publishing and media logistics. The Company includes some of the local consumer Internet companies in approximately 100 countries, spanning the Americas to Asia, Europe to South Africa.
Country of Incorporation
South Africa
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
Naspers Centre Po Box 2271
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