Business Summary
Capitaland Group Pte. Ltd. is a Singapore-based diversified real estate company. The Company owns and manages a portfolio of diversified real estate classes, which include commercial, retail; business park, industrial and logistics; integrated development, urban development; as well as lodging and residential. The Company manages approximately six listed real estate investment trusts (REITs) and business trusts as well as over 20 private funds. The Company's REITs and business trusts comprises CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust, Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust, Ascott Residence Trust, CapitaLand China Trust, Ascendas India Trust and CapitaLand Malaysia Mall Trust. Its properties are located across Singapore, China, India, Vietnam, Australia, Europe and the United States. It operates across more than 250 cities in over 30 countries.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Real Estate
Company Address
168 Robinson Road, #30-01 Capital Tower
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