Business Summary
Sahara Petrochemical Co SJSC is a Saudi Arabia-based investment company. The Company is involved in investing in industrial projects, mainly in the petrochemicals and chemical fields, and owns and implements projects necessary to supply raw materials and utilities. The Company also focuses on the production of propylene, polypropylene, ethylene, polyethylene and other petrochemical and hydrocarbon based products. Additionally, it engaged in the acquisition of real estate and construction buildings and warehouses to stock and display the Company's products. The Company’s industrial facilities are located at Jubail Industrial City. It operates through numerous affiliates, including Al WAHA Petrochemicals, Saudi Acrylic Acid Company, Saudi Butanol Company and Sahara Marketing Company, among others.
Country of Incorporation
Saudi Arabia
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
Sahara Petrochemicals Co 6894, Industrial city Unit No 1
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