Business Summary
Ooredoo QPSC is an Qatar-based company engaged in the provision of domestic and international telecommunication services. The Company has seven reportable segments, which are based on their geographical area. Ooredoo Qatar is a provider of domestic and international telecommunication services within the Qatar. Asiacell is a provider of mobile telecommunication services in Iraq. NMTC group is a provider of mobile telecommunication services in Kuwait and in the Middle East and North Africa region. Indosat Ooredoo is a provider of telecommunication services, such as cellular services, fixed telecommunications, multimedia, data communication and Internet services in Indonesia. Ooredoo Oman is a provider of mobile and fixed telecommunication services in Oman. Ooredoo Myanmar is a provider of mobile and fixed telecommunication services in Myanmar. Other segment includes some of the Company’s subsidiaries, which are providers of wireless and telecommunication services.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Telecommunications Services
Company Address
Cornish Street, P.O. Box 217 West Bay
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