Business Summary
Splash Corporation is a Philippines-based company, which is engaged in developing, manufacturing, bottling, packing and marketing cosmetics and other beauty products, and pharmaceutical products in Philippines and abroad. The Company's segments include Philippine Operations, International Operations, Direct Selling Business and Food Business. Its Philippine Operations segment sells and markets personal, health and beauty products through distributors located within Philippines. The Company's Philippine Operations segment also includes toll manufacturing services to related party and payday sale operations. Its International Operations segment sells and markets personal, health and beauty products through foreign distributors located outside Philippines. The Company's Direct Selling Business segment distributes the Company's product lines, such as cosmetics and fragrances through networking groups and business partners. Its Food Business segment sells and markets food products.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Personal & Household Products & Services
Company Address
5F W Office Bldg, 11th Avenue cor. 28th Street, Bonifacio Global City
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