Business Summary
Holcim Philippines, Inc. is a cement manufacturer. The Company is engaged in the manufacture, sale and distribution of cement and cementitious products. The Company’s two segments includes Clinker and Cement, and Other Construction Materials and services. The Clinker and Cement segment manufactures and sells clinker and cement for domestic customers. Other Construction Materials and services segment includes operations from dry mortar products, aggregates trading and ground calcium carbonate (GCC). It manufactures seven cement product brands, which include Holcim 4X (Type 1 high-performance Portland cement), Holcim Premium (Type 1 Portland cement), Holcim Solido (Type IP Blended cement), Holcim Excel (Type 1P Blended cement), and Holcim WallRight (Type S Masonry cement), Holcim Aqua X, and Holcim Eco Planet. Its packaging formats include tonner, jumbo bags and bulk. The Company also sells to cement producers a semi-finished product called clinker, which is sold in bulk.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Mineral Resources
Company Address
7th Floor Two World Square, McKinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio
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