Business Summary
Genting Berhad is a Malaysia-based investment holding and management company. The Company’s business activities are classified into six segments: Leisure & Hospitality, Plantation, Power, Property, Oil & Gas, and Investments & Others. Its Leisure & Hospitality segment includes gaming, hotels, food and beverages, theme parks, retail, entertainment and attractions, tours and travel related services, development and operation of integrated resorts and other support services. The segment operates in Malaysia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Egypt, the United States and the Bahamas. Its Plantation segment is involved mainly in oil palm plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia, palm oil milling and related activities. The Company's Power segment is involved in the generation and supply of electric power. Its Property segment is involved in property development activities and property investment. Its Oil & Gas segment is involved in oil & gas exploration, development and production activities.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
24th Floor, Wisma Genting, Wisma Genting, Jalan Sultan Ismail,
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