Business Summary
Educational Holding Group KSCP (EDU) is a Kuwait-based company that provides educational and training services in accordance with Islamic Shariah principles. The Company provides, along with its subsidiaries, educational services, consultancy services, general trading and real estate investment services. The Company focuses on the ownership of shares of local or international shareholding and limited liability companies, as well as the participation in the establishment and management of the companies, in which the Company owns shares; owning, renting and exploiting industrial property rights, patents or trademarks inside or outside Kuwait, and investing its excess funds in portfolios managed by specialized companies. The Company’s subsidiaries include, among others, Afaq Educational Company KSCC, Knowledge & Life Holding SAL and Al Hayat for Development and Financial and Administrative Consultancy Company KSC.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Academic & Educational Services
Company Address
Abraj Complex, Tower B, 8th Floor,, Al Othman St., P.O. Box: 27215 Hawally Safat
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