Business Summary
Gulfinvest International KSCC is a Kuwait-based public shareholding company that offers investment services. The Company’s principal activities include the provision of asset and fund management services in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and the Middle East, investment in securities and real estate, the participations in public offerings and promotion, and the development of new strategic financial products for itself and its clients. It also conducts and publishes financial and market research and analysis reports. The Company has two investment funds, namely Al Huda Islamic Fund, which seeks to invest in Sharia-compliant companies listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange, and Al Shorooq Investment Fund, which seeks to achieve medium and long-term capital appreciation. Gulfinvest International KSCC owns a wholly owned subsidiary incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, Emirates Opportunities 3 Limited, which is engaged in investment services.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Al Dhow Tower, 22nd Floor, Khaled Bin Al Waleed Street, Sharq Area, P.O. Box 20285
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