Business Summary
Ahli United Bank KSCP, formerly The Bank of Kuwait and The Middle East KSC, is a Kuwait-based public shareholding company engaged in carrying out banking activities in accordance with Islamic Sharia Principles. The Bank provides its products and services through two business segments: Retail and commercial Banking, and Treasury and investment Management. The Retail and Commercial banking segment comprises a range of banking operations covering credit and deposit services provided to customers. The Treasury and Investment Management segment includes correspondent banking, clearing, money market, foreign exchange, sukuk, other treasury and miscellaneous operations, proprietary investment, securities trading activities and fiduciary fund management activities. The Bank uses a common marketing and distribution strategy for its commercial banking operations. The Bank's principal subsidiary is Kuwait and Middle East Financial Investment Company KSC.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Joint Banking Center Al Abdul Razzak Square, P.O. Box 71
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