Business Summary
Marubeni Corporation is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the import, export and transaction of various products through domestic and overseas networks. The Company has six business segments. The Food segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of food related products. The Living Industry segment is engaged in the lifestyle related products business, the information business, the logistics business, the insurance business, as well as the financial and real estate investment business. The Materials segment is engaged in the chemical business, the agricultural material business and the paper pulp business. The Energy and Metal segment is engaged in the energy and metal business. The Power and Plant segment is engaged in the development, investment and operation of electric power and energy related infrastructure business. The Transportation Equipment segment is engaged in the import, export and sale of various equipment. The Company is also engaged in the finance business.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
Marubeni Bldg., 1-4-2, Ote-machi
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