Business Summary
DMS Inc is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the provision of mailing and sales promotion services. The Company has five business segments. The Direct Mail segment is engaged in the provision of mailing services such as mail planning and production, information processing, encapsulation, shipping and follow-up services. The Logistics segment is engaged in the shipment of mail-order products, the delivery of campaign prizes, and the storage and shipment of promotional items and supplies. The Sales Promotion segment is engaged in the planning and production of promotion advertising such as information magazines, catalogs and Internet advertising, and telemarketing and Web marketing business. The Event segment is engaged in the planning and operation of events such as sports events and cultural events. The Leasing segment is engaged in the leasing of owned real estate. The Company is also engaged in the mass media advertising business, and the sale of home electrical appliances.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
9F/10F, Chiyoda Ogawamachi Kurosuta, 1-11, Kanda Ogawa-machi
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