Business Summary
Toshiba Corp is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in energy system solutions business and other businesses. The Company operates in six business segments. The Energy System Solutions segment provides thermal power generation systems, nuclear power generation systems and hydroelectric power generation systems. The Infrastructure System Solutions segment provides water and sewage systems, broadcasting systems, radio equipment, environmental systems, road systems, transportation equipment, and battery systems. The Retail & Printing Solutions segment provides point-of-sale (POS) systems, multifunction devices. The Storage & Device Solutions segment provides power devices, small signal devices, optical semiconductors, mixed signal integrated circuits (ICs), hard disk drives (HDDs), semiconductor manufacturing equipment. The Industrial ICT Solutions segment provides information technology (IT) solution services. The Others segment provides logistics services.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Consumer Goods Conglomerates
Company Address
Toshiba Bldg., 1-1-1, Shibaura
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