Business Summary
Fincantieri SpA is an Italy-based company engaged in the industry sector. The Company is active in the shipbuilding constructions. The Company’s activities are divided into four business divisions. The Shipbuilding division produces cruise ships, ferries, naval vessels and mega yachts, as well as offers ship repair, conversion, refitting and refurbishment. The Offshore division focuses on the design and construction of support vessels for the oil and gas exploration and production market. The Equipment, Systems and Service division is engaged in the design and manufacture of systems and apparatus, and the provision of after sales service. The Other division provides costs for directing, controlling and coordinating the business. Fincantieri SpA is active in the domestic market, as well as in the United States, Brazil, Norway, Romania and India, among others. It operates through Vard Promar.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial Goods
Company Address
Via Genova, 1
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