508136 | BSE LTD
Business Summary
B & A Limited is an India-based holding company. The Company is engaged in the cultivation, manufacturing, and sale of tea. It also engaged in manufacturing and sale of packaging materials. The Company operates through two segments: Tea, and Packaging. The Company’s tea estates are Barasali, Gatoonga, Kuhum, Mokrung, Salkathoni, Samaguri, Sangsua, and Moheema. Its crush, tear, and curl (CTC) tea is produced in its three manufacturing units, namely Gatoonga, Salkathoni, and Mokrung. The Company produces around 5.5 million kilograms (kgs) of black tea from tea leaves cultivated in its own tea gardens as well as from outsourced purchases. The Company serves only domestic market and most of its produce is distributed through auction sales. The Company’s subsidiary is B & A Packaging India Limited, which is engaged in the production of paper sacks and flexible laminates.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Food & Beverages
Company Address
9th Floor, 113 Park Street
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