517228 | BSE LTD
Business Summary
Trend Electronics Limited is focused on advancing resources and technologies in electronics and instrumentation. The Company provides contract manufacturing plant for electronic products and devices and small home appliances. It operates through the consumer electronics and components/parts segment. Its solutions include set-top box; interactive flat panel display (IFPD); digital; signage boards; kitchen appliances; home appliances; electronic gadgets; product design and sourcing, and after-sales service. Digital signage solutions are a network of interconnected digital displays that provide targeted information, entertainment, merchandising and advertising. IFPD in schools enable the use of interactive content, fostering real-time practice with immediate feedback. Its plant is located in Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar, Maharashtra, India. It serves various industries, including electric and electronic devices; retail advertising; education institutes; media and entertainment, and others.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Technology Equipment
Company Address
Gut No. 350, Beed Road,, Village Bhalgaon,
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