500285 | BSE LTD
Business Summary
SpiceJet Limited is an India-based airline company. The Company is principally engaged in the business of providing air transport services for the carriage of passengers and cargo. The Company is a low-cost carrier (LCC) operating under the brand name of SpiceJet in India. The Company has a reasonable fleet size operating across various routes in India and abroad. The Company operates approximately 250 daily flights to 48 destinations within India and to international destinations. Its fleet is an apt mix of large, medium and small metal birds that includes Boeing 737 Max, Boeing 700 and Q400s. It also offers add on services, including SpiceMax, SpiceCafe, You1st, BagProtekt, SpicePlus and others. The Company’s segments include Air Transport Services, and Freighter and Logistics Services. Its Air Transport Services includes inter alia, passenger transport and ancillary cargo operations arising from passenger aircraft operations. It also offers SpiceClub Program.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
319, Udyog Vihar,, Phase IV,
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