Business Summary
Tata Steel BSL Limited is an India-based steel producing company. The Company is principally engaged in the manufacture and sale of basic iron, steel, and related products. The Company offers a range of products, including hot rolled, cold rolled and coated steel, cold rolled full hard, galvanized coils and sheets, high tensile steel strips, color coated tiles, and precision tubes. It has steel producing capacity approximately 5.6 million tons per annum. It has facilities of producing cold roll and sheets up to a width of 1700 millimeter (mm) and galvanized coil and steel up to a width of 1350 mm. Its color coated products are developed for body panels of washing machine and refrigerators for multinational companies in the appliance business. The Company also developed color coated coil brand named ColorNova. The propeller shaft tubes were developed for commercial supplies for auto Manufacturer. Its galvanized products were developed for PEB (Pre-engineered Building).
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Mineral Resources
Company Address
Jasmine Tower, Ground & 1ST Floor, 31 Shakespeare Sarani
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