Business Summary
Software AG is a Germany-based software developer and provider of information technology (IT) platforms for businesses. The Company operates in three segments: Digital Business Platform (DBP), Adabas & Natural (A&N) and Consulting. The DBP segment focuses on integration, business process management and big data with the webMethods, Aris, Alfabet, Apama and Terracotta product families. It also includes the IoT/Cloud business line, which focuses on Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing solutions. The A&N segment offers data management with the Adabas and Natural product families. The Consulting segment specializes in the implementation of the Company's products. The Company assists businesses from various industries with digital transformation processes. Its clients are active in the banking, communication, energy, insurance, retail and transportation industries, among others.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
Uhlandstrasse 12
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