Business Summary
thyssenkrupp AG is a Germany-based group of industrial and technology companies. It operates in five segments: Materials Services is engaged in the global distribution of materials and the provision of technical services for the production and manufacturing sector; Industrial Components manufactures forged components and system solutions for the resource, construction and mobility sectors, as well as slewing rings, antifriction bearings and seamless rolled rings for the wind energy and construction machinery sectors; Automotive Technology develops and manufactures high-tech components and systems for the automotive industry and develops automated production systems for the automotive industry; Steel Europe brings together the premium flat carbon steel activities, from intelligent materials solutions to finished parts; Marine Systems is a system provider in submarine and surface ship building and in the field of maritime electronics and security technology. It operates worldwide.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Mineral Resources
Company Address
thyssenkrupp Allee 1
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