Business Summary
Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG is a Germany-based bank for real estate finance and public investment finance. The Company is engaged in three core business areas: Public Sector Finance, Real Estate Finance and Debt Instruments. Public Sector Finance includes the financing of public sector investments in the fields of infrastructure, municipal and residential construction, utilities and healthcare. In addition, it provides investment lending and debt management. Real Estate Finance includes real estate investment funding and financing instruments, such as financing investment projects, portfolio financing, standby facilities and derivatives. Debt Instruments includes fixed income bonds involving issuing mortgage and public sector debentures. The Company is active in Europe, notably in France, the United Kingdom, Benelux countries, Nordic countries, Switzerland, Spain, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. The Company is a part of the HRE Group, which is wholly owned by the German government.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Parkring 28
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