Business Summary
Aurubis AG is a Germany-based company. The Company is engaged in the production of primary copper and precious metals, the recycling of secondary raw materials and the processing of copper into final products, it processes metal concentrates, scrap metals and metal-bearing recyclable raw materials. Its product portfolio comprises rod and specialty wire, such as cast rod, directly cast, oxygen-free wire (Foxrod) and a variety of drawn products; shapes; industrial rolled products; architectural solutions for surfaces and facades; bars and profiles for the electro-technical industry; cathodes; precious metals, such as gold and silver, which are extracted from copper concentrates and secondary raw materials; sulfuric acid, iron silicate, selenium, and recycled copper, precious metal and other non-ferrous metal products. The Company also operates copper slitting service centers.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Mineral Resources
Company Address
Hovestrasse 50
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