Business Summary
Bayer AG is a German-based life science company. The Company's segments are Crop Science, Pharmaceuticals and Consumer Health. The Crop Science segment focuses on seeds, improved plant traits, chemical and biological crop protection products, digital solutions and customer service for sustainable agriculture. The Pharmaceuticals segment focuses on prescription products, especially for cardiology and women's healthcare and specialty therapeutics focused on the areas of cardiology, oncology, hematology and ophthalmology, as well as gene therapy and others. The Consumer Health segment develops, produces and markets nonprescription over-the-counter medicines for self-medication. Its Consumer Health segment portfolio consists of products in dermatology, dietary supplement, analgesic, gastrointestinal, cold, allergy, sinus and flu, foot care and sun protection categories, among others.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Pharmaceuticals & Medical Research
Company Address
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 1
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