Business Summary
Robert Bosch GmbH is a Germany-based supplier of technology and services. The Company diversifies its activities into four segments: Automotive Technology; Industrial Technology; Consumer Goods and Building Technology, and all other segments. The Automotive Technology segment is divided into gasoline systems, diesel systems, chassis systems brakes, chassis systems control, electrical drives, starter motors and generators, car multimedia, automotive electronics, automotive aftermarket, and steering systems divisions. The Industrial Technology segment is divided into drive and control technology, packaging technology and solar energy divisions. The Consumer Goods and Buildings Technology segment is divided into power tools, thermotechnology, household appliances and security systems divisions. The all other segments segment comprises mainly financial and holding companies, as well as other service companies.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Automobiles & Auto Parts
Company Address
Robert-Bosch-Platz 1, Schillerhoehe
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