Business Summary
Knorr Bremse AG is a Germany-based company that manufactures braking systems and other subsystems for rail and commercial vehicles. It operates through two segments: Rail Vehicle Systems and Commercial Vehicle Systems. The Rail Vehicle Systems segment equips mass transit vehicles, such as metro cars, and mainline freight and passenger trains with brake systems, as well as entrance systems, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, auxiliary power supply, driver assistance systems, electrical traction equipment and control technology, among others. The Commercial Vehicle Systems segment offers products for trucks, buses, trailers and agricultural machinery. The product portfolio includes brake systems and vehicle dynamics solutions, such as driver assistance, energy supply and distribution systems, such as air compressors, and fuel efficiency products and transmission subsystems, such as vibration dampers, among others. The Company also offers aftermarket services.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial Goods
Company Address
Moosacher Str. 80
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