Business Summary
Symrise AG is a Germany-based company. The Company is engaged as a supplier of fragrances, flavorings, cosmetic active ingredients and raw materials, functional ingredients and product solutions for food production based on natural base materials. The Company operates through two segments: Taste, Nutrition & Health and Scent & Care segment. The Taste, Nutrition & Health segment includes the Food & Beverage and Pet Food divisions as well as the two smaller units Aqua Feed and Probi. It uses scientific research to offer customers and partners solutions in the areas of taste, nutrition and health that are sustainable and based on natural ingredients. The Company develops specific active solutions for the desired health benefits. The Scent & Care segment includes the Fragrance, Cosmetic Ingredients and Aroma Molecules divisions. The Fragrance division combine aromatic raw materials like aroma chemicals and essential oils to make complex fragrances (perfume oils).
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
Muehlenfeldstrasse 1
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