Business Summary
Adidas AG is a Germany-based company that designs, develops, produces, and markets a range of athletic and sports lifestyle products. The Company's segments include Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, Russia/CIS, Latin America; Emerging Markets, Adidas Golf, Runtastic, and other centrally managed businesses. Its segment includes wholesale, retail, and e-commerce business activities relating to the distribution and sale of products of the Adidas brand to retail customers and end consumers. The Company has over 2,500 own-retail stores, mono-branded franchise stores, shop-in-shops, joint ventures with retail partners and co-branded stores, and an e-commerce channel, which is available to customers in over 50 countries. Adidas branded products include footwear, apparel, and hardware, such as bags and balls.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Products
Company Address
Adi-Dassler-Strasse 1
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