Business Summary
Revival Expansion SA, formerly Galloo Ile de France SA and Groupe Dupuy SA, is a France-based company involved in the recovery and recycling of ferrous metals, including iron and steel, and non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum, copper, lead, nickel, brass and zinc. It collects raw material from companies active in the construction and industrial sectors, processes and refines it so it can be reused, and then distributes and delivers the finished products to its clients, mainly in the metallurgical industry. The Company operates through its installations in the Paris region: in Ivry sur Seine, Bonneuil sur Marne and in Nanterre. The Company exports its recycled products to European Union (France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Italy, among others) and abroad (Turkey, Chine, India, Pakistan and Malaysia).
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
119 Av Du General Michel Bizot, Paris 12
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