Business Summary
Orascom Construction Industries SAE (OCI) is an Egypt-based joint stock company that engaged in the construction and fertilizer industries. The Company is involved in contracting, manufacturing, supply and installation of machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies required for construction activities, and undertaking of infrastructure works and the engineering and technical consultation required for the projects being implemented by the Company, as well as importing necessary equipment and instruments. The Company is also engaged in the import and export activities, as well as leasing equipments. Its Fertilizer Group produces different types of nitrogen-based fertilizers, including urea and ammonia. The Company’s subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities include, among others, OCI International-Cyprus and OCI Finance Limited.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
Nile City Tower - South Tower, 2005 A Corniche El Nile
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