Business Summary
Lecico Egypt SAE is an Egypt-based public shareholding company engaged in the manufacture of tiles and sanitary ware products. The Company offers its products through three segments: the Sanitary Ware products segment includes bathroom sets, consoles and washbasins, urinals, kitchen sinks, shower trays and other accessories; the Ceramic Tiles segment designs and manufactures floor and wall tiles of all sizes and types, and the Brassware segment offers a range of water mixer products. The Company markets its sanitary ware products under the Lecico brand, through its trading subsidiaries in the United Kingdom (Lecico plc) and France (Lecico France), as well as through a network of distributors, agents and specialized merchants across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The Company markets its ceramic wall and floor tiles principally in Egypt and Lebanon. In June, 2014, the Company announced the selling of its group of companies in France to HP - MB Holding.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Products
Company Address
Lecico Egypt Building Old Alexandria-Cairo Agricultural Road Khorshid Marine, Al Mountazah Area, P.O. Box 358
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