Business Summary
Sydney Attractions Group Pty Ltd is an Australia-based company. The Company is engaged in the management and operation of the Sydney Aquarium, Sydney Wildlife World (SWW), OzTrek, Skywalk, Manly Oceanworld, Shark Dive Xtreme and Koala Gallery. The operations of Sydney Aquarium include a gift shop and a restaurant. SWW features a range of Australian flora and fauna situated in Darling Harbour. Sydney Tower Observatory (STO) operates OzTrek, which offers a ride and a film of a flight through Australian locations together with entry to the observation deck at Sydney Tower. STO operates Skywalk, which is approximately 268 meters above Sydney on top of Sydney Tower. Manly Oceanworld is an aquarium on the esplanade at Manly, and a local entertainment attraction with a souvenir shop. Koala Gallery on Hamilton Island in Queensland operates a wildlife park, souvenir shop and offers customers to have breakfast with the Koalas.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
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