Business Summary
Maximus Air Cargo LLC, a part of Abu Dhabi Aviation Group, is a United Arab Emirates-based company that is engaged in the provision of chartered and non-charted air cargo services and solutions to a range of customers, including government, military, humanitarian, royal, very important person (VIP) and private-air transport. The Company offers humanitarian and relief operations, live animal transportation as well as chartered-cargo flights to the governmental clients such as the presidential affairs, the royal family, the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces, and the United Arab Emirates Red Crescent Authority (RCA). The Company operates a fully owned fleet of eight freighter aircraft, comprising Antonov An-124- 100, Airbus A300-600RF, Ilyushin IL-76TD, and Lockheed L-382G Hercules.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
PO Box 35367
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