02 09 2013
Dubai, UAE; September 2, 2013

Canon Middle East, the leader in imagingsolutions, has been recertified to ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard,underpinned by the organisation's clear targets to manage the environmentalimpact of its products and operations across the region.

The internationallyrecognised standard ISO 14001, certified in more than 800 Canon sitesworldwide, was achieved once again by Canon Middle East following an externalenvironment audit reporting no 'non-conformities',  a strong reflection of the successfulintegration of environmentally responsible practices across all aspects of thebusiness. 

Anurag Agrawal,Managing Director, Canon Middle East said: "The ongoing ISO 14001 certificationaffirms our continuous commitment to implementing operational measures thatreduce environmental impact. Canon has set clear environmental targets[1] forthe entire EMEA region including reducing carbon footprint by 15 per cent by2020, recycling 52 per cent of waste at EMEA offices by 2014, and recycling 85per cent of waste at Canon EMEA and outsourced warehouses by 2014.

"The Canon Group isone of very few organisations that has achieved consolidated ISO 14001certification covering all operations globally. Operating under theorganisation's Kyosei philosophy we aim for sustainable growth, to delivervalue for customers and stakeholders, while supporting the natural environmentand respecting the communities we live and work in. These credentials are keyto our corporate business EMEA-wide and demonstrate how seriously we take ourenvironmental responsibilities."

Canon Middle East continuesto invest heavily in sustainable best practices with environmental initiatives atthe core of Canon's CSR commitment. The ISO 14001 environmental managementsystem provides a framework for employees in Canon Middle East to identify andcontrol the environmental impact of operations in line with regionalregulations. A CSR and environment coordinator is appointed in each company departmentand every employee receives environmental awareness training.

Throughout the wholelifecycle of Canon products, the focus is on reducing resource use, from loweringenvironmental impacts and improving waste recycling from design and production,through to customer use. Last year, Canon Emirates launched a recycling programfor carbon neutral toner and ink cartridges and, to highlight the importance ofrecycling and waste management, Canon collaborated with Averda to rewardemployees for best practice through Riva vending machines.

Canon is involved inseveral CSR initiatives in the region aimed at fostering community andhumanitarian partnerships. As part of the many charitable initiatives takingplace to mark the Holy Month of Ramadan, Canon supported Dubai Cares with photo booths inThe Dubai Mall to raise awareness of the importance of child education, and as part of'Ramadan Care Packages 13' campaign, 200 care packages were sponsored toprovide essential items for UAE labourers at 'The Adopt a Camp' charity event, whereemployees also volunteered.

The company supportsthe Emirates Environmental group in their initiatives as corporate members andhas two key strategic partnerships with WWF: with WWF International since 1998 astheir conservation imaging partner, and the EWS-WWF locally.

Canon Group is ranked 8thin the World's Most Reputable Companies (2013), 30th on Interbrand's 2013 BestGlobal Green Brands and its score on the Climate Counts scorecard is 66/100.

For further details ofCanon Middle East, global operations, products and services visit www.canon-me.com


CanonMiddle East:
Canon is aworld-leading innovator and provider of imaging and information technologysolutions for individuals and businesses. Canon provides both individualproducts and complete networked technology solutions for information input,management and output. Its product range is divided between Business Solutions(developing IT products, solutions and services for both the office andprofessional print environments) and Consumer Imaging (photography, video anddigital camera, Laser and Inkjet printers). Canon Middle East is theoperational headquarters for Canon in this region, and is based in Dubai, UAE.Further information about Canon Middle East is available at www.canon-me.com

For further information, pleasecontact:
Mohammed Al Tawil / Alice Hart
ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller
+9714 4507 600

© Press Release 2013